Monday, May 25, 2020
The Lab Experiment The Experiment, And The Blue Eyes Vs....
In the field of psychology experiments are used to test a psychologists hypotheses or evaluate something. The American Psychological Association has a set of rules, a Code of Conduct that describes the ethics that should be followed during an experiment. Although in the past these rules weren’t as strict as they are today which lead to the doing of some experiments. During these times there were many experiments but three have become quite popular throughout history. These experiments were The Milgram Experiment, The Little Albert Experiment, and The Blue Eyes vs. Brown Eyes Experiment. These studies may have had some learning benefits but since the APA’s rules were not as strict as today, some of the ways the experiments were carried out are considered to be unethical today. The Milgram experiment is considered unethical due to him deceiving his participants. Although today to be in any kind of study you must sign consent forms, the particapants did not sign a consent form for this study, they volunteered willingly for this study. Mailgram’s experiment would consist on three people each time, the experimenter, the teacher and the learner. The â€Å"experimenter†and the â€Å"teacher†were in one room while the â€Å"student†was in another. The teacher had to ask a series of questions to the student, if it was answered incorrectly the teacher gave the student a shock starting at a low voltage that it would increase with every question. This is where the deceiving starts, the student wasShow MoreRelatedEvolab Guppies1177 Words  | 5 Pagespredators in this stream and an adequate amount of food. The water quality is a grey brown on the program. Upper East: This stream had a higher population of guppies with a varied amount of male and female. There is still a high proportion of bright spotted males however these males are not as bright as in the upper west. There are no predators in this stream and an adequate amount of food. The water quality is a grey brown on the program. Meir Creek: This area had no guppies present. There is howeverRead MoreChem 103 Project Lab Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesThe data gathered and calculated in the experiment accurately portrayed the way the reactions would have taken place. The chloride analysis was a little bit off from other groups due to the fact that our AgCl was in clumps, creating less surface area, thus our product took longer to burn and may not have burned correctly compared to other groups; yet there are several experimental factors that could have caused us to have different results than other groups, i.e. different measurements for samplesRead MoreDirectFileTopicDownload 31286 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Lab 1: Introduction to Science Exercise 1: Data Interpretation Table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population Dissolved Oxygen (ppm) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Number of Fish Observed 0 1 3 10 12 13 15 10 12 13 Questions 1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4? 2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water. 3. What would your experimental approach be toRead MoreBio 101 Essay24965 Words  | 100 Pages  Lab Manual  Introductory Biology (Version 1.4)   ©Ã‚ 2010 eScience Labs, LLC All rights reserved †¢Ã‚ 888.375.5487  2 Table of Contents:  Introduction:     Lab 1:  The Scientific Method Lab 2:  Writing a Lab Report Lab 3:  Data Measurement Lab 4:  Introduction to the Microscope  Biological Processes:      Lab 5:  The Chemistry of Life Lab 6:  Diffusion Lab 7:  Osmosis Lab 8:  Respiration Lab 9:  Enzymes Read MorePolitical Science Essay18429 Words  | 74 PagesBiology LabPaq / Published by: Hands-On Labs, Inc. / / Toll Free 866.206.0773 A laboratory Manual of Small-Scale Experiments for the independent Study of general Biology 50-0053-BK-02 LabPaq ® is a registered trademark of Hands-On Labs, Inc. (HOL). The LabPaq referenced in this manual is produced by Hands-On Labs, Inc. which holds and reserves all copyrights on experiences. The laboratory manual included with a LabPaq is intended for the sole useRead MoreSynthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (Iii) Oxalate Complex7868 Words  | 32 PagesExperiments 4A-C: Synthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (III) Oxalate Complex My Name TA, Section B## Work Performed on 10/23, 10/30, 11/4, 200# Report due Tuesday, November ##, 200# 1. Abstract This experiment initially involved the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex with the general formula Kw[Fex(C2O4)y] ·zH2O. The variables x, y, and z were determined through the duration of the entire experiment. From 1.2000g of Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 were synthesized 1.1###g of K3[FeIII(C2O4)3] ·3H2ORead MoreSynthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (Iii) Oxalate Complex7868 Words  | 32 PagesExperiments 4A-C: Synthesis and Component Analysis of an Iron (III) Oxalate Complex My Name TA, Section B## Work Performed on 10/23, 10/30, 11/4, 200# Report due Tuesday, November ##, 200# 1. Abstract This experiment initially involved the synthesis of an iron (III) oxalate complex with the general formula Kw[Fex(C2O4)y] ·zH2O. The variables x, y, and z were determined through the duration of the entire experiment. From 1.2000g of Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 were synthesized 1.1###g of K3[FeIII(C2O4)3] ·3H2ORead MoreBusiness Communication4988 Words  | 20 Pagesmust be admitted, now that the report has been reviewed, that mistakes were made, rather than, I read the report, and I admit I made a mistake. Heres a life tool: always apologize in the active voice. (Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools. Little, Brown, 2006) * With respect to writing, [my advice to beginning writers] would be to write clear, straight, fresh, active sentences with as many aggressive verbs as possible, and to avoid conventional journalistic writing. (David Mehegan, quotedRead MoreA Concise Guide to Market Research Using Spss71933 Words  | 288 PagesFor example, 60% of Germans also use toilet paper to clean their noses, 7% to clean mirrors, 3% to clean children’s faces and hands, and 8% use it to remove make-up. Further research led Procter Gamble to believe that the optimal tissue color is blue/yellow and that the package needed to be cubic. Advertising tests showed that the Charmin bear worked well, giving the product an emotional appeal. In the end, Procter Gamble launched Charmin successfully in an already saturated market. In orderRead MoreInnovators Dna84615 Words  | 339 Pagesour assessments for individuals and companies, go to our Web site: We found the same pattern for famous as well as less famous leaders. Innovators were simply much more likely to question, observe, network, and experiment compared to typical executives. We published the results of our research in Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, the top academic journal focused on entrepreneurs (details of our study are reported in appendix B).2 We also published our ï ¬ ndings
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Islam, Religion Of Equality - 1026 Words
Sheraz Shan Hussain Professor Iris Belen English 101 03 May 2017 ISLAM, RELIGION OF EQUALITY. Islam, a derivative of Arabic word â€Å"Saleema†signifying peace and submission has, since ancient times, offered equality for all human being irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity or color. A series of Prophets were send after Adam with a message of love and equality for one another and believe in the unity of God. The last great messenger before Muhammad was Jesus. Mentioned twenty five times in the Quran, Jesus is called the Messiah, the son of a virgin, and one who brought great signs from God. His message, the Gospel, is confirmed and described as consistent with the messages of all prophets. (Sonn, Tamara. Islam. Wiley. 2015). When the†¦show more content†¦From the life of the Last Prophet, there are many incidents in his life, where people can learn many things and can help humanity to help one another, to appreciate one another and to create a society where everyone is treated equally. From one of the famous inspiring incidents, a companion of the Last Prophet Muhammad, his name was Abu Zar Ghaffari, he had a little altercation with a worker, whose mother was from Africa, who was dark in color. In that altercation, the companion said one sentence as they were arguing, the companion says â€Å"O son of a black woman†. The worker immediately went to the Last Prophet Muhammad and complained on what the companion had said to him. After the Prophet met with Abu Zar, he confronted him by asking about the altercation. The prophet did not repeat the same words because it was a serious matter and the prophet did not want to even repeat those words. He told the Prophet that everything you mention in the altercation is true. Then the Last Prophet Muhammad said:â€Å" O Abu Zar, you are a man, who still have the qualities in you from the period of ignorance, before Islam, where people used derogatory terms to their fathers, mothers or one another. This is a major sin.à ¢â‚¬ That’s why, whether a Muslim or a non-Muslim, we the people should never use these kind of words to one another. MuslimsShow MoreRelatedThe Rise and Spread of Islam1129 Words  | 5 PagesThe Rise and Spread of Islam The world you once knew is falling to ashes and food is become such a scarcity that people are fighting over a few pieces of bread. The political class is too busy fighting among themselves to care for anyone else. Children are roaming the streets and begging for work to feed their dying, hungry stomachs. This is not a scene from a horror movie, but rather the reality of the beginning of post classical era. In these times of hardship the people turned to a higher powerRead MoreMuhammad Ali’s Significant Influence on Islam804 Words  | 4 Pagesworld as well as in the religion of Islam. His impact and dedication to Islam may have cost him a lot, but he always stood by it. Ali always stayed with his religion and never showed doubt in it, he spoke about Islam to make people aware that the assumptions they are making are wrong and he was risking his own life for preaching about Islam and equality rights. Muhammad Ali’s life went from famous wrestler to broke criminal. The reason for this was because he switched to Islam and refused to obey theRead MoreIslam Dbq Essay930 Words  | 4 Pages(Class) - (period) March 19, 2013 Why Did Islam Spread So Quickly? Islam originated in present day Saudi Arabia where the prophet, Muhammad, had been born. Islam would later be able to spread quickly through trade, the appealing nature of the Islamic faith, and military campaigns. In the â€Å"Arabian Peninsula Trade Routes†(Doc. A) it shows how Mecca was very busy with all kinds of trade. Since Mecca is where Islam would start in the upcoming years, traders wouldRead MoreThe Rise And Further Development Of Islam741 Words  | 3 PagesWith the rise and further development of Islam, the Middle East emerged as a key world region. The religion not only dominated the Middle East but was also spread to the West, Southeast Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa as it gained followers and influence. Why was the spread of Islam so quick, extensive, and influential? What was it about Islam that appealed to so many individuals and converted such a large geographical part of the world? This can further explained by the process of globalization andRead MoreSpread of Islam in India1409 Words  | 6 Pagesworld is embedded in India. Even though the major religion of India is Hinduism, and Islam is in the second place of its minor religion still it has the la rgest Muslim minority all over the world (World Directory of Minorities- Muslim of India). This statistics clearly depicts the successful expansion and establishment of Islam in early period of India even though India was populated with indigenous religious beliefs. Islam is a monotheistic religion that was spread with bunch of beliefs and faithsRead MoreMalcolm X : War Between Race1461 Words  | 6 Pageskilled by a white man, broke his home, crushed his dreams by a white teacher, become a hustler, and spent jail has affected his life. His experiences overshadowed his unique strategies towards equality to the society that treated him and the African-American community so unfairly. His belief of Islam religion had pushed him towards the segregation of the African Americans from White society to achieve greatness and civil rights. His advocacy was geared towards arm to emphasized black pride, unity,Read MoreEssay on Women In Islam1640 Words  | 7 PagesThe Women of Islam Society in western civilization sees Islams treatment of women as heinous, unfair, and typically cruel. How can one respect a religion and culture that makes their women cover themselves from head to toe in 100 degree weather, walk behind her spouse, enter separate doors of the mosque (if they are even allowed to enter), pray in an closed off area separate from the men, marry complete strangers, and receive little to no education. These few examples and a lot more can surelyRead MoreMuslim Women: Treated With Oppression Or Fairness?. When1429 Words  | 6 PagesMuslim Women: Treated With Oppression or Fairness? When I mention Islam, I am discussing its way of life, a concept that encompasses every aspect of one’s life from beginning to end. Islam, the newest and second largest faith, influences many parts of this earth as we discussed in class. Originating in the Arabian Desert, the religion is based on one book, The Holy Quran, the final word of Allah. Prophet Muhammed, in Islam, was the last messenger of God. His life is one that Muslims should followRead MoreThe Basics of Islam1816 Words  | 7 PagesThe religion of Islam is primarily centered on achieving peace and surrendering the self to the will of God or Allah and His Law. Islam began forming into the religion it is today under a prophet named Muhammad who became the final prophet of God, The Seal of the Prophets. Although known as The Seal of Prophets, Muslims believe that he was only a man chosen by Allah, as a messenger and teacher of living for God. Before faced with a mission from God, Muhammad saw his society collapse and social orderRead MoreMalcolm X Draft 21700 Words  | 7 Pagesachieved different levels equality through its many prominent activists. Prior to the movement, millions of Black Americans faced brutal abuse and segregation with little to no government action taking place against such wrongdoings. The movement included passionate advocates for black equality such as Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. These civil and human rights activists inspired millions of Americans to join in the cause for justice and equality for all through their many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Psychological Egoism Theory Essay - 2108 Words
The theory of psychological egoism is indeed plausible. The meaning of plausible in the context of this paper refers to the validity or the conceivability of the theory in question, to explain the nature and motivation of human behavior (Hinman, 2007). Human actions are motivated by the satisfaction obtained after completing a task that they are involved in. For example, Mother Teresa was satisfied by her benevolent actions and activities that she spent her life doing. As Hinman (2007) points out, she was likely to reduce in activity if she experienced any dissatisfaction in her endeavors. Therefore, no matter how much altruism theorists try to argue about the degree of inclination of an action towards non self-interest,†¦show more content†¦In his argument, Hinman (2007) asserts that every action that people engage in is motivated by self-interests or pleasure or direct benefits the agent or to avoid living with guilt in the future. This is the nature of human beings. Even the most altruistic action is in actual sense motivated by the egocentric desire of the actor (Hugh, 1898). Hugh (1898) further argues that people recognize that they are motivated, in most if not all cases by their need to advance their self-interest. However, when they reflect on this issue, they are mistaken by the urge to believe that the truth is the centrally of this. Actions that are meant to show concern for other people, such as helping the needy are self-satisfying to the actor, and they expect that they will their reputation in the society and obtain returned favors. A good example is that of political aspirant who might engage in a lot of philanthropic activities in his community to win the support of his constituents. Helping people is a noble thing to do especially when it comes to the application of natural justice, where human beings help those who are suffering. There is always a hidden intention in every action that is obscured by the notion of philanthropy. Returned favors expectation might not be the ultimate intention as to why people may perform an act (Michael, 1978). However, it will be illogical to say that these intentions wereShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Psychological And Ethical Egoism959 Words  | 4 PagesWhen looking at the ideas of egoisms, two major views come out in the form of psychological and ethical egoism. While both of the views hinge on the idea that everybody acts in their own self-interest, the major separator is that ethical egoist views their pursuit of their personal gain morally right (106), even if they have to kill or steal for it, compared to the psychosocial egoist who just state that the only thing that motivates humans is their self-interest while the mo ral standings stay theRead MoreThe Theory Of Psychological Egoism And Ethical Egoism Essay1039 Words  | 5 PagesJames Rachels introduces in his written works, Egoism and Moral Skepticism, two different theories of human nature: psychological egoism and ethical egoism. The theory of psychological egoism refers to the view that all human actions are self-centered. On the other hand, the theory of ethical egoism is the idea that we are not obligated to do anything other than what is in our interest. Most individuals would consistently believe in ethical egoism because most generally care about the well-beingRead MorePsychological Theories Of Psychological Egoism1191 Words  | 5 Pagesegoistically driven? This dissertation will take a closer look at these questions while exploring the views of psychological egotism and what its supporters believe drives us to act in certain ways. Although psychological egoism has not been attributed to many philosophers, it brings forth an inte resting debatable point of view of human behavior. While psychological egoism is unquestionably a perceived theory, there hasn’t always been a substantial amount of experimental data that relates to the debate. HoweverRead MoreEgoism, Psychological And Ethical, And Altruism1141 Words  | 5 Pagesquestions bring to the surface the topics of egoism, psychological and ethical, and altruism. Egoism in general means that people think of their own advantage. They have high opinions of themselves and dote on themselves. Meaning they live and breathe off of self-praise. Most of the time this word has a negative connotation to it, and it is looked down upon (Flynn 459). Egoism falls into two categories: psychological and ethical. The term psychological egoism refers to the mindset that there is no suchRead MoreThe Concept Of Selfishness Is Viewed By The Ethical And Psychological Ethics1307 Words  | 6 Pagespaper, I will discuss how the concept of selfishness is viewed by the ethical and psychological egoists. I will also examine both sides of the issue, those for and against the theories, while citing the text, â€Å"Doing Ethics: Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues†and the views of philosophers in it such as Joel Feinberg and Theodore Schick. I plan to use all the above in order to support my argument that the psychological and ethical egoist would be wron g to think Amy is looking out for her own selfishRead MoreEthics of Welfare and Government Assistance Essay1502 Words  | 7 Pagesmoral point of view would be from the psychological egoist perspective. An egoist is a person who believes all that matters in moral issues are the elements that deal with self. They are believers that all people’s decisions in life are based on selfishness. Therefore, if welfare were a charity, rather than a government run program, the psychological egoists of the world probably would most likely not contribute. On the other side of the coin, psychological egoism would suggest that all people who qualifyRead MoreModule 2 Business Ethics Case Assignme Essay1717 Words  | 7 Pagesview that we should be actively trying to promote overall happiness, and one has a serious incompatibility with psychological egoism. Thus, his apparent endorsement of Hobbesian psychological egoism created problems in understanding his moral theory since psychologi cal egoism rules out acting to promote the overall well-being when that it is incompatible with one’s own. For the psychological egoist, that is not even a possibility. So, given ‘ought to imply can’ it would follow that we are not obligatedRead MorePsychological Egoism662 Words  | 3 PagesPsychological egoism is the view that everyone always acts selfishly. It describes human nature as being wholly self-centered and self-motivated. Psychological egoism is different from ethical egoism in their â€Å"direction of fit†to the world. Psychological ego-ism is a factual theory. It aims to fit the world. In the world is not how psychological ego-ism says it is because someone acts unselfishly, then something is wrong with psycho-logical egoism. In my opinion this argument is completely wrongRead MoreEthical and Psychological Hedonism Essay1395 Words  | 6 PagesEthical hedonism and psychological hedonism are two of the more studied versions of hedonism . These two theories are similar at their foundations (soon to be discussed) but when defined in terms of values, one is descriptive and the other is normative. Neither ethical nor psychological hedonism is perfect, I believe, though each has important strengths which offer the basis for discussion. Additionally, some arguments and ideas presented by Robert Nozick in his essay â€Å"The Experience Machine†proveRead MorePsychological and Ethical Egoism Essay1863 Words  | 8 Pages Egoism is a teleological theory of ethics that sets the ultimate criterion of morality in some nonmoral value (i.e. happiness or welfare) that results from acts (Pojman 276). It is contrasted with altruism, which is the view that ones actions ought to further the interests or good of other people, ideally to the exclusion of ones own interests (Pojman 272). This essay will explain the relation between psychological egoism and ethical egoism. It will examine how someone who believes in psychological
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Procrastination Should I Do it now, or wait till Essay Example For Students
Procrastination: Should I Do it now, or wait till Essay later? Should I do it now or wait till later? Every person has their own style or way they accomplish doing work. Many feel the need to begin working on an assignment right when they get it. While others procrastinate and do not complete the assignment until right before it is due. There are many different attitudes that one may have when dealing with work. Everyone accomplishes work in their own way. Many feel the need to do their work right away, while some procrastinate to finish their work While looking at the way a person completes their work, there is the issue of revision. Some may believe that if one does their work right away, there is a higher quality of revision, resulting in higher quality work. This may be thought true because it gives the person more time to look over their work and revise it. Also, it allows one extra time to get help with the structure of their paper, project, presentation, etc. Even though all these points may be seemingly true, many people wait until the last minute to complete their work. Procrastination is seen most when revising work. People often miss mistakes that they might have seen if they had not procrastinated. When cutting the time, people often rush and make many mistakes that they would not have if they had the proper time. While revising, they still have fresh in their mind what the project or paper should look like, and see it how they think it should be. This in turn, makes them miss mistakes they might have seen if they had the appropriate amount of time to properly revise. Many argue the issue of the quality of work when comparing those who do things right away and those who procrastinate. Another issue with doing your work right away versus procrastinating is the availability of needed resources. When beginning your work right away, you have time to schedule out where and when you need to go to get the appropriate resources. The worker has time to plan out when to go when things are open, order any supplies needed, or schedule any interviews. Beginning your work right away allows the worker to get all the necessary resources, in order to produce the best work that he or she can. Procrastinating shortens the amount of time that one can get their necessary resources. If the worker waits till the last minute, they might not be aware of all the parts needed for their assignment. Also, they might not have enough time to properly schedule any meetings or appointments they might need to complete their work. When procrastinating, time to schedule, and get needed resources in greatly reduced, which may make them unavailable towards your final work. A third issue about people attitudes toward work is completion. When a person begins their work right away, they can plan and allot their time appropriately to complete the assignment. When having more time, a person can look over their work more and make sure that they have completed all the assigned tasks thoroughly. When procrastinating there is a more likely chance that the work will not be completed. There is a stronger press for time, and some parts may be overlooked. Also, with more difficult, longer problems, the person may not have enough time to finish all their work before its due. With the different attitudes towards work, then idea of completed work is an issue. Different people have varying attitudes towards work. Some find it more beneficial to begin their work when it is assigned to them, while other feel that is better to procrastinate. People who begin and finish their work right away give themselves more time and more ways to revise their work. The availability of resources is a common issue with the different methods of doing work. .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 , .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .postImageUrl , .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 , .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69:hover , .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69:visited , .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69:active { border:0!important; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69:active , .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69 .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u017ff7213747efd37c8a370254c89d69:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Social Organization Essay Also, the appropriate completion of work may vary between those who begin their work right away and those who procrastinate. Each person has their own attitude when dealing with work. While many find benefits in working on an assignment right away, others feel that procrastination is the way to go. .
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