Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Write Mythological Poetry Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Write Mythological Poetry Explication - Essay Example From the stony salr in the beginning, the story moves to Frigg’s (33), then later to the three salr which is filled with anguish and pain Nà ¡strÆ’ndo (37,38) and ultimately to the bright salr in the new world. It is, therefore, evident that salr is not only a kenning for the earth, but should also be understood as a reference to â€Å"places†or â€Å"rooms†that outlines a way from the stony and hard beginning. The hard beginning was characterized by sorrowfulness and sadness, for instance, sorrowful Fensalr that is was moistened with Frigg’s tear, and then later the reader comes across salr of anguish or pain and in the end, the poem ends with a glimpse of the bright salr at Gimlà ©. This text line creates a movement through different â€Å"rooms†that can be taken to be figurative expressions of mental â€Å"rooms†or rather emotional conditions. As seen in the text, the sun in the vision of ragnarÆ’k goes dark and later disappears in the ocean before the new world or earth emerges. Towards the last part of the poem, a picture of this world where salr at Gimlà © is solo fegra is portrayed as more beautiful than the sun. This aspect can be taken to stand for a vision of ideality of eternity or even â€Å"heaven.†The reader can thus interpret the sun stretching its right arm around the â€Å"edge of heaven†as an allusion this final vision of â€Å"eternity†and â€Å"ideality.†The beginning of the poem both suggests as well as conceals what will follow. Accordingly, a complete understanding of the beginning is never available in the text until the reader has reached the end of the poem.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Theory of Parabolas Essay Example for Free
Theory of Parabolas Essay A parabola is designed on a basic formula, Y=ax^2+bx+c, which allows it to achieve a curve not seen in a normal line graphed using a Y=mx+b format. To the left is a graph who’s formula is y=x^2, where a=1, b=0, and c=0. I have isolated the (a) factor to see its effects on the parabola. Below is a graph where I have changed the (a) multiple times. The result is that as the (a) decreases, the mouth of the parabola widens due to the fact that (a) is essentially the slope of the parabola. Now, watch what happens when the (a) becomes negative. Now the mouth of the parabola is opening down and as we increase (a), the parabola widens. When (a)1, the parabola closes up horizontally. So from this, we can infer that if (a) is 0, then the result will be a straight line going along the X axis which is no longer a parabola. Now we will look at how the (b) factor changes the parabola, below is the origional graph from the top of the paper except the red line represents the same parabola with a (b) added onto it. The original equation was Y=x^2(blue line) and the new equation is Y=x^2+x(red line). The change is moving the vertex of the parabola left ? and down ? but the shape of the parabola it’s self is unchanged. Here are some other examples of changing (b) in a parabola with a steady (a) As seen in the graph, (b) only moves the parabola to the sides and down (as the numbers increase, the vertex moves left and down and decreasing is vice versa), but somehow fails to move the parabola up past the point X=0 on its own (making the (a) negative will flip the parabola). So now we have a slope (a) and a vertex (b), but we still need our Y-intercept which will be our (c) As shown from the graph, our parabolas Y-intercepts match up with our (c) factor, completing the equation -Fun fact, the word parabola came from the Greek words para, meaning beside, and bole, meaning to throw
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Free Affirmative Action Essays - Black Americans Need Affirmative Action :: affirmative action argumentative persuasive
Black Americans Need Affirmative Action       Affirmative action has been the subject of increasing debate and tension in American society. The debate has been more emotional than intellectual, and has generated more tension than shed light on the issue. Participants in the debate have over examined the ethical and moral issues that affirmative action raises while forgetting to examine the system that has created the need for them. Too often, affirmative action is looked upon as the remedy for a nation once ill with the virulent disease of racial discrimination. Affirmative action is, and should be seen as, a temporary, partial, and perhaps even flawed remedy for past and continuing discrimination against minorities in the American society.       Perhaps the biggest complaint that one hears about affirmative action policies aimed at helping Black Americans is that they violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and the Civil Rights laws. The claim is that these programs distort what is now a level playing field and bestow preferential treatment on undeserving minorities because of the color of their skin. While this view seems very logical on the surface, I contend that it lacks any historical support and is aimed more at preserving existing white privilege than establishing equality of opportunity for all. Just looking at the history of this country should provide a serious critique to the idea of a level playing field. Since the birth of this nation, Blacks have been an enslaved, oppressed, and exploited people. Until 1954, when the Supreme Court handed down Brown v. Board, Blacks were legally pushed to the margin of society where many were left to dwell in poverty and powerlessness. The Brown decision removed the legal impediments that had so long kept Blacks deprived of the educational necessities. It merely allowed Blacks to enter the arena of competition. Without the deconstruction of white power and privilege how can we legitimately claim that the playing field is level?         In fact not using affirmative action will only accomplish the continued exclusion of Black Americans from participation within American society and thus further ingrain stereotypes Another reason that affirmative action confuses me, is because the discussion is always limited to race and gender based affirmative action policies. What about year after year the athletes that are admitted to all the colleges and universities
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Narrative Techniques Chapter 19 Enduring Love
Enduring Love Narrative Techniques Chapter 19 – The pre-warning Page 163 Joe uses a range of symbols in this chapter; one of the symbols used is colour. Colour is used to give the reader a clue of what will happen soon. This is shown when Joe says, ‘in memory, all the food they brought us first was red,’ the use of a colour to remember a part of Joe’s memory gives the reader the impression that the colour symbolises a feeling or emotion that Joe may have felt. ‘Red’ in this case could represent danger, blood, anger, threat or jeopardy, all words that are connected to the event that occurs in this chapter.A similar symbol appears on page 172 where Colin Tapp had just been shot. There is an emphasis on colour of his shirt when Joe describes the gun shot, ‘the silenced bullet struck through his white shirt at his shoulder,’ the use of the description about the bullet and where it hit Tapp helps put emphasis on the colour and how it ca n relate to red. White can be related to innocence, peace and the idea of being harmless or pure, therefore when Tapp is shot, the innocence is lost.This can relate to red because of Tapp’s blood and that fact that the shooting involves danger and threat. Also the men that shot Tapp were wearing black which contributes to the idea that colour plays a large part in this chapter. The colour black is significant as it could mean that they men were dark, powerful and it can be related to death and evil in contrast to white. Page 164 Joe starts to loose his connection with the reader making their relationship weaker and distancing them.This happens because Joe makes use of multiple stories in this part of his narrative, he constantly switches back and forth from one story to the next, resulting in the uncertainty of the reader. This is shown when he says, ‘I would have liked to tell the story†¦fondly against his arm. ’ This passage includes Joe’s thoughts about a previous part of his life, the conversation that he was presently having and what was happening on the table behind him. The frequent switch from one story to another can make the reader confused, resulting in Joe loosing his connection with the reader.The fact that Joe does notice everything happening in the restaurant gives the impression that he has a type of subconscious awareness of what is going on around him, this is shown when he says, ‘on the next table the girl was being helped through the menu by her father. ’ As Joe has included numerous activities happening around him, the reader is confused on what to focus on. Joe uses hindsight at random parts of the chapter again which can make the reader loose focus on what is currently happening in Joe’s narrative and making the reader and Joe loose their connection.On page 167 Joe states, ‘I didn’t see him at the time, not until the very end’ and on page 165 ‘when I was next a ware of her she was back in her seat. ’ This shows an obvious and constant use of hindsight which can make the reader confused on what Joe saw and thought at that moment. Overall the use of multiple stories, Joe’s subconscious awareness of everything around him and Joe’s use of hindsight can all contribute to the reader’s confusion and distance from Joe. Page 166 The reader questions Joe’s reliability when he states that he blamed some of his behaviour on the ‘champagne’.As Joe has stated that he had champagne and it affected his behaviour, this could imply that some of his memories or thoughts on that day may have not actually occurred or may have been different. This makes the reader question Joe’s ability to recall events truthfully and the reader is unsure whether Joe is a reliable and trustworthy source. Also, the reader’s trust in Joe is affected by the questions he asks himself, one example is on page 167 where he says, ‘or were these details I observed later, in the chaos, or in the time after the chaos? This question leaves the reader wondering if they believe Clarissa instead of Joe. This may be because Clarissa believes that Joe has been affected by Parry and that he had lost his way of thought. Therefore the reader may not feel that they can trust what Joe says as he seems unreliable in this chapter as well as the fact that Parry may have affected Joe’s mind and way of thinking. Page 171 The use of language in this section helps the reader see Joe’s interpretation of the men that shot Colin Tapp.To the reader, Joe makes a link between the men that shot Tapp and Parry. This is shown when Joe says, ‘both men wore black coats that gave them a priestly look. There was a ceremony in their stillness. ’ The use of ‘priestly’ and ‘ceremony’ relate to religion and Parry’s beliefs. Also, the use of colour as a symbol makes another l ink between the two men and Parry as the men represent power and evil which is what Joe sees in Parry. After this, Joe names the two men as ‘the intruders’.This term also relates to Parry as Joe feels Parry has intruded into his life by stalking him and the use of Parry’s letters which are frequently focused on throughout Joe’s narrative. Therefore, we can see why Joe has narrated the two men in this way as he is showing the reader how he thinks they relate to Parry through their appearance and behaviour. From the reader’s perspective, we can see that Joe sees the two men or ‘intruders’ as a symbol or representation of Parry.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Qualifications or Experiences Is Important? Essay
Linh: Today, we’ll talk about the topic: experience and qualifications. And there’s a statement that: â€Å"Experience and ability are more important than qualifications†. Do you agree or not agree? Let’s discuss it with two members in my group. Hi, Tam! What do you think? Tam: Um, I think qualifications are more important. Because if we have no paper qualification, we’ll have a lot of difficuties when we begin to work or apply for a job. Because we don’t have basic knowledge and chance to get insight into a specific field that we’ll work. So, many people say that: â€Å"University is a key to open a new window to our future.†And every year, students who finish school, they often enter a university and try their best to achieve. Because it is not easy to pass exams. Therefore, the way that we go will longer and hard when going to college. Linh: Yes, I do agree with your opinion, but you know, university is not the only wa to go in life. In reality, many people achieve their goals but have no qualifications. They sucess because of their effort and their ability. You know, they always want to have knowledge as much as possible. They study at university and experience themselves on part-time job in their free time. And it brings so much experience. So, although they don’t succeed on their studying, they still accumulate much experience and ability for themselves. In the end, they become a professional in field which they are working. How about you, Ngoc? Ngoc: yes, I agree with Linh and Tam. Students who graduate at university doesn’t always reflect true their ability. Because a person’s true ablility have to show by passing interview when he or she applies for a job. But most interviews is not only acquired test about knowledge that he learned at college but also practice or experience in life. Because, at university, he is learned theory than practice. Do you think so? Linh: Yes,right! Tam: Ok, I agree. Linh: So, my group go to conclusion is that experience and ability are as important as university qualifications. They are always necessary for everyone. Thank you for your listening!
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